New & Notable in The PORT

Inform 004 vol.11&12, (November/December 2022)




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The PORT Glossary

We are featuring the PORT Glossary this month because it was just added in December and we are excited to bring this feature back into The PORT. While we are still working out some display issues, the content is all there and available for use. You can view Glossary terms in two ways:

Displayed in topics

As you browse topics in The PORT, you will notice some text within the content that is bolded and displays a pop-up box with a definition when you hover your mouse over it. These are glossary terms.

Please note: We are aware that sometimes glossary terms will display and the definition is not applicable in the context of the particular topic. Unfortunately, displaying the glossary terms/definitions within content is an "all or nothing" feature. We can either display ALL glossary terms or NONE. We are researching the possibility of turning off glossary term display on individual words.


Example: The word "State" is a glossary term. The PORT glossary definition for the word "State" does not apply in the following sentence: "The letter should state why the non-custodial parent believes DCSS should release the passport without full payment or a payment agreement." You will see instances of this within some topics.

In an alphabetized list

The alphabetized glossary displays glossary terms in alphabetical order in a list. The alphabetized PORT Glossary is located under the Getting Started menu, found on the HOME page.

Please note: Currently this list cannot be "condensed" for quicker browsing. We are researching a solution for this.



In the Spotlight

Looking Ahead we will be focusing on the following areas in The PORT:

Refinement of the Glossary List, specifically improving the user interface for ease of use.

Continuing to add topic descriptions to improve and refine search results.

Continuing Policy reviews / updates.





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