Case Closure

DCSS-POL-09-1 v.4


  1. The purpose of this policy is to provide staff and members of the public a working knowledge of the conditions that must be met for a IV-D case to qualify for a case review for closure.
  1. This policy applies to all Arizona IV-D program staff performing Title IV-D services.
  1. The Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) may elect to review a IV-D case for closure when one or more of the closure criteria are met and there is supporting documentation for the case closure decision.
  1. In order to be eligible for closure, the case must meet a least one of the following criteria:
  1. The case interfaced via electronic or automated method in error or the case participants already exist in an identical case on the Arizona Tracking and Location Automated System (ATLAS)
  2. The DCSS has determined that a multiple action case (MAC) exists for the same parties
  3. The case interfaced in error from the State IV-A agency for one of the following reasons:
  1. The custodial parent (CP) and noncustodial parent (NCP) are participating in the Two Parent Employment Program (TPEP)
  2. The IV-A agency has connected the NCP to an unborn child and the case created in ATLAS has the child and the CP as the same person with the same High Level Client Index (HLCI) number
  3. The CP and child(ren) are qualified for a Grant Diversion
  4. The CP and child(ren) are receiving tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  5. The CP and child(ren) are not receiving Medical Assistance (MA) and are coded incorrectly on AZTECS
  6. The case interfaces as a duplicate MA case on ATLAS
  7. The CP and child(ren) are receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits only
  8. The CP is receiving SSI but the case interfaced with a program code of CAI
  9. There is a single parent adoption and the bio-parent is named as the absent parent
  10. The child(ren) has emancipated or is no longer in the home on an Enforcement or Collections case
  11. The primary informant (PI) is the partner and does not have any biological children in the household
  12. The PI does not qualify for benefits for the non-minor parent and the non-minor parent’s child(ren) in the household
  13. The foster care case was set up in error or interfaced in error from the State IV-E agency and paternity is not established or verifiable
  1. The CP is a caretaker on a case with a program code of CAI or FAI, the caretaker is coded “OU” or “DI” for TANF with the State IV-A agency and none of the caretaker’s biological children are coded “IN” for TANF
  2. The DCSS has verified both parents are residing in the household, paternity has been established for the child(ren), and a child support order has not been established
  3. The DCSS has verified the child(ren) no longer reside(s) in the household of the CP or caretaker and the case does not have a court order or the case is paid in full
  4. The DCSS has verified the child(ren) on the case was/were adopted by another family
  5. The CP is deceased and the assigned arrears are less than $500
  6. The DCSS has verified the child is deceased and no other minor children exist on the case
  7. The NCP is excluded by genetic testing and the court has determined there is no duty of support
  8. All the children in the household have emancipated and a support obligation has not been established
  9. The State’s IV-E agency has advised the DCSS that no further child support action can be taken on a foster care case
  10. The NCP or alleged father is deceased and no further action, including a levy against the estate, can be taken
  11. The DCSS responds to a CSNet request for limited services from another jurisdiction.
  12. The NCP or alleged father (AF) is a citizen of and lives in a foreign country; does not work for the U.S. federal government or a company with headquarters or offices in the U.S.; has no reachable domestic income or assets; there is no federal or state treaty or reciprocity with the country.
  13. The DCSS has determined that throughout the duration of the child's minority (or after the child has reached the age of majority), the noncustodial parent cannot pay support and shows no evidence of support potential because the parent has been institutionalized in a psychiatric facility, is incarcerated, or has entered long-term care. The State must also determine that the noncustodial parent has no income or assets available above the subsistence level that could be levied or attached for support.
  14. There has been a finding by the DCSS of good cause or other exceptions to cooperation with the DCSS and the state or local IV-A, IV-E, Medicaid, or food stamp agency has determined that support enforcement may pose a risk of harm to the CP or child(ren)
  15. The Non IV-A recipient of services requests closure of a case and there is no assignment to the State of medical support or of arrearages which accrued under a support order and the assigned arrears balance is less than $500
  16. The initiating jurisdiction (IJ) has notified the DCSS they have closed their case
  17. The IJ has notified the DCSS that intergovernmental services are no longer needed
  18. The DCSS has documented failure by the IJ to take an action which is essential for the next step in providing services
  19. Paternity cannot be established because:
  1. The child(ren) is at least 18 years old and action to establish paternity is barred by a statute of limitations
  2. A genetic test or a court or administrative process has excluded the alleged father and no other putative father can be identified
  3. The DCSS has determined it would not be in the best interest of the child(ren) to establish paternity in a case involving incest or rape, or in any case where the legal proceedings for adoption are pending
  4. The identity of the biological father is unknown and cannot be identified after diligent efforts, including at least one interview by the DCSS with the CP
  1. In a Non IV-A case receiving services in which cooperation with the DCSS and the State or local IV-A agency is not required. The DCSS is unable to contact the CP despite a good faith effort to contact the CP through two different methods
  2. The NCP or AF resides on a tribal reservation and the office attorney has determined that Arizona does not have subject matter jurisdiction (SMJ)
  3. There is no longer a current support order and the arrears balance is less than $500 or unenforceable under state statute
  4. The support obligation is terminated, the arrears balance is less than $500, and the youngest child has emancipated
  5. In a Non IV-A case receiving services in which cooperation with the DCSS is not required of the CP, the DCSS documents the circumstances of the CP’s non-cooperation, and what action by the CP is essential for the next step in providing services
  6. The NCP’s location is unknown and the DCSS has made diligent efforts using multiple locate sources, all of which have been unsuccessful to locate the NCP:
  1. Over a two-year period when there is sufficient information to initiate an automated locate effort
  2. Over a six-month period when there is not sufficient information to initiate an automated locate effort
  3. After a one-year period when there is sufficient information to initiate an automated locate effort, but locate interfaces are unable to verify a Social Security Number
  1. The child(ren) is eligible for health care services from the Indian Health Services and the IV-D case opened because of a medical assistance referral based solely on health services provided through an Indian Health Program.
  2. The NCP cannot pay support for the duration of the child(ren)’s minority because the NCP has a medically verified total and permanent disability with no evidence of support potential
  3. It is determined the NCP is receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or concurrent SSI and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Social Security Retirement (SSR) as the sole source of income. See also: Supplemental Security Income Collections Closure Policy.
  4. The DCSS has received a limited service request for locate services only from another jurisdiction.

If any of these criteria are met, a case may be reviewed for closure.

  1. This policy is supported by staff procedures, which identify how action related to this policy will be conducted, including responsibilities, time frames, and required actions.

Federal Authority

45 C.F.R. § 303.7

Provision of Services in Intergovernmental IV-D Cases 

45 C.F.R. § 303.11

Case Closure Criteria

Return to beginning of the Case Closure Policy

Policy Revision Date: 12/05/2022
Policy Review Date: 11/02/2022

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