Closure Procedures
Procedures 000 v.3
- Assessment Phase
- Review Case for Appropriate Case Closure Code
- Case Preparation for Closure
- Global Closure Edits
- Assessment Phase
- Standard
- Case closure is a three-phase process that begins with the pre-closure assessment. In the assessment phase, the case is reviewed to determine if the case meets the closure criteria.
- Procedures
- Determine if a hearing or legal action is pending.
- Go to the Case Hearing List (CAHL) and Legal Tracking List (LETL) screens.
- In the Case Hearing List (CAHL) screen, enter the ATLAS case number in the Case ID field and the current date in the Date field to review for pending hearings.
- In the Legal Tracking List (LETL) screen, enter the ATLAS case number in the Case field. This screen displays basic information on the legal processes.
- This information includes the legal process code and its description.
- The date the process was begun; the last entity involved in the legal process, the last activity code started and the date the last legal activity was started.
- <TAB> to the Process Type field and enter “D” to display actions that may be ongoing. Look at entries to determine if legal action has been completed.
- If the CP has requested closure, consult with the assigned Attorney to determine if closure is appropriate based upon current status of the litigation. DO NOT make entries into LETL.
- When a case is being assessed for closure, update the Case Assignment (CAAS) screen to ensure the case is not reassigned to a different office during the closure process.
- Go to the Case Assignment (CAAS) screen and enter “N” in the County/System Update field to keep the case from being automatically reassigned.
- If the closure process is stopped to continue working the case, the County/System Update field must be modified to “Y” for the case to be reassigned by the case assignment program.
- Note: If the County/System Update field is already set to “N”, no action is necessary.
- The County/System Update field must not be set to “Y” when the field was “N” prior to beginning the closure process because the case was manually assigned per Case Assignment Policy. Review the Case Activity List (CAAL) screen for activity code M2203-CAAS SCREEN SYSTEM UPDATE SET TO "N" to determine the reason the case was initially set to “N”.
- Review the case to verify that no money is in suspense.
- In the Direct Command field of any screen on ATLAS type “SULI” and press <ENTER> to go to the Suspense Listing (SULI) screen.
- Enter the ATLAS case number in the Case ID field on the Suspense Listing (SULI) screen and press <ENTER>. If there are no moneys in suspense proceed with the closure process.
- If a receipt (s) is found, enter “S” in the Act field next to the Rcpt ID (receipt identification number) to select the receipt and press <ENTER>. The case must be referred to a Debt Team or the appropriate debt worker to use the Suspense Request (SURE) screen to request moneys to be released from Suspense.
- Review the case for any outstanding void or expired checks.
- Go to the Check by Payee List (CHPL) screen and review the Check Sat (status) field for any "VOI" (void), "VDR" (void, do not reissue), and/or "EXP" (expired). If there are no checks in one of these statuses, go on to the next step in the assessment phase.
- Go to the CAAL screen and check for narratives that explain why the check is in "VOI" or "VDR" status. If the check was placed in that status by CPRO there will be documentation as to why.
- Check the CPDE screen for a valid address. If the address was verified prior to the issuance and return of the check, contact the CP at the phone number listed. If the CP cannot be reached, refer the case for locate to verify an address to send the check to.
- Once the CP has been located, email CPRO at +DCSS-CPRO indicating the CP has been located, CPDE has been updated, and provide the check number and request it be reissued.
- Once the request has been reviewed, CPRO will respond to the original email by indicating the check has been reissued, the check could not be reissued and the reason why, or additional information is needed to process the request.
- Review case for debt adjustments and deactivation.
- Refer case to the debt team for release of funds, adjustment, and deactivation of the existing debts.
- Release of Administrative Liens.
- All cases that are being closed and still have a recorded administrative lien must have the lien removed by filing the Release of Lien with the county where the lien was recorded. Judgment liens are only removed upon satisfaction of the debt by completing a satisfaction of judgment.
Return to beginning of Closure Procedures
- Review Case for Appropriate Case Closure Code
- Standard
- Reviewing the case to determine the appropriate case closure code is the second phase in the closure process.
- Procedures (click on the closure code description for drop-down procedures)
- Use this closure code to close cases interfaced via an electronic or automated method in error or if the case participants already exist in an identical case program on ATLAS
- Use this closure code for Intake, Paternity, Establishment, Enforcement, and Collection cases in all program codes.
- This is a hard closure.
- The 002 closure code is manually entered by a supervisor or lead in the Pending Closure Date Reason field on the CAST screen. ATLAS will run every Saturday to automatically close the case.
- Note: Case activities and case history are purged on Paternity and Establishment cases while case activities and case history remain on Enforcement and Collection cases.
- Use this closure code when a determination has been made that a child has multiple alleged fathers or that a multiple action case exists for the same parties.
- Use this closure code for Paternity and Establishment cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI, and FFI programs codes.
- This is a hard closure.
- To qualify for this closure code:
- Children exist on more than one open case suffix.
- The children must have paternity established in any other open case suffix in order to manually close the case.
- A multiple action case exists when paternity is an issue for some children and not for others with the same father and mother or when a support order is needed for a child and a court order exists for the other children of the same parties.
- A support order for the other child(ren) may or may not exist.
- After a new order is established or the existing order is consolidated to include all the children, merge the child on the paternity case into the establishment or enforcement case.
- Deactivate the child(ren) on the paternity case using MAC –MULTIPLE ACTION CASE-CHILD ACT in the Actv Reas field on the Case Status (CAST) screen and add the name of the child to the establishment or enforcement case.
- Update the Multiple Action Case field on the Case Status (CAST) screen to “Y” for both suffix cases.
- Add activity code P0800 CASE IDENTIFIED AS MULTIPLE ACTION to the Case Activity List (CAAL) screen.
- Go to the Case Status (CAST) screen to close the multiple alleged fathers or multiple action case under the closure code 003.
- In the Action field, enter “M” to modify.
- <TAB> to the Closure Date/Reas field and enter closure code “003”.
- Press <ENTER> to close the case on ATLAS.
- Use this closure code for cases that interface in error from AZTECS to ATLAS
- This includes:
- Two Parent Employment Program (TPEP) cases
- Child and CP have the same HLCI number
- Grant Diversion cases
- Tribal TANF
- IV-A Data Mismatch
- IV-E Foster Care cases interfaced in error
- IV-E Foster Care cases set up in error
- Medical Assistance (MA) cases (duplicate MA cases)
- Food Stamp (SNAP) cases
- CP receiving SSI
- Use this closure code for Intake, Paternity, and Establishment cases in the CAI and FAI program codes
- This is a semi-hard closure
- Upon referral by the assigned case manager, the designated regional liaison reviews the case to verify the initial activity codes for closure have been entered.
- The regional liaison enters one of the following activity codes:
- The regional liaison then closes the case on CAST.
- The case manager notifies FAA of the initial error interface and the corrective measures taken so the case can be corrected in AZTECS.
- Use this closure code for cases in which:
- The CP is a caretaker on a case with a program code of CAI or FAI.
- The caretaker is coded “OU” or “DI” for AF in AZTECS or is receiving SSI/SSD.
- And none of the caretaker’s biological children are coded “IN” for AF.
- Use this closure code for Intake, Paternity and Establishment cases in all program codes.
- This is a semi-hard closure.
- Verify the case meets the closure criteria.
- Go to the CAST screen.
- The case must be in the Intake, Paternity, or Establishment function.
- The Program Code must be CAI or FAI.
- Verify that the CP is a Caretaker and not the biological parent to the child(ren) listed on the ATLAS case.
- Go to the CHIC screen and “S”elect the child(ren) listed. In the Direct Command line type “PACC” and press the <ENTER> key.
- In the PACC screen, review the Child Relation to CP field. If the relation is “SOD” (son or daughter), the case does not qualify for 827 closure.
- Verify the CP is a Caretaker and not the biological parent to the child(ren) listed on the AZTECS case.
- Use the TANF case number from the CPPI screen to access CP’s case in AZTECS.
- Go to the CAP2 screen to review the child(ren)’s relation to the CP under the RL field.
- If the relation is "CH" (child), the case does not qualify for 827 closure. If the CP (PI) and/or any of the CP's biological children in the household from other ATLAS suffixes are coded "IN" under the AF field, the case does not qualify for an 827 closure.
- Note: When there is conflicting information in ATLAS and AZTECS, review the case file for any documentation that may verify the relationship. Also, review ATLAS for other cases the child(ren) may be known to. If it has been verified that the information in AZTECS is incorrect, follow your local office procedures for notifying IV-A.
- After verifying that the Caretaker case meets the above closure criteria:
- Add the CT050 CAI CASE-CTKR PROJ-CANNOT SANCTION cast activity code. Document that AZTECS shows the CP to be coded “OU” or “DI” and their relationship to the child(ren).
- Add the CT827 CARETAKER CLOSURE START 827 case activity code. Document the case meets the 827 closure criteria.
- Modify the CAST screen by entering “827” in the Pending Closure Date (Reas) field and press <ENTER>.
- Modify the CAST screen again by entering “827” in the Closure Date (Reas) field
- Use this closure code when the IV-D Agency has verified that both parents are residing in the household, paternity is not an issue for the child(ren), and a child support order has not been established.
- Use this closure code for Establishment cases in the CAI, FAI, and NAI program codes.
- This is a soft closure with a 60-day timeline. The CP must have more than one CAI open case suffix to allow the case to close.
- Generate the PARTIES LIVE TOGETHER-PATERNITY NOT AN ISSUE closure notice and mail it to the CP. Once the notice is generated, the nightly batch process places the case in pending closure.
- CAI cases can be manually closed by a supervisor or lead with field level security of 0007 or 0008.
- Use this closure code to close a case after verifying that the child no longer resides in the household of the custodial parent/caretaker
- This closure code can be used for Paternity and Establishment cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI and FFI program codes.
- This is a soft closure.
- To qualify for this closure, verify that the child no longer resides in the household of the custodial parent/caretaker and initiate case closure.
- Custody documents and school records can be utilized to verify that the child no longer resides in the household of the custodial parent/caretaker in this case.
- The participation status for AF, FS, and MA program fields will display a participation code of “OU” next to the name of child to indicate that the child is not participating in cash or medical assistance programs. This indicates that the child no longer resides in the household of the custodial parent/caretaker in this case.
- For CAI, FAI and NAI cases, generate the CHILD NO LONGER IN THE HOUSEHOLD CLOSURE NOTICE from Eloquence and mail to the custodial parent/caretaker.
- For FCI and FFI cases, add the G9881 FC CLOSE CHILD(REN) NO LONGER IN HSEHLD activity code to CAAL to close the case.
- Use this closure code to close a case in which the IV-D agency has verified that the child(ren) on the case were adopted by another family.
- Use this is closure code for Paternity and Establishment cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI and FFI program codes.
- This is a hard closure with a 60-day timeline.
- No timeline is created for Foster Care (FCI or FFI) cases. If the “Adopt CO #” field on the CHDE (Child Demographics) contains the Adopt C/O Number and Date, it can be closed before the 60-day timeline expires.
- Generate the CHILD ADOPTED BY ANOTHER PARTY CLOSURE NOTICE and mail to the CP. This will start the 60-day timeline.
- Once the 60-day timeline has expired, the monthly closure program will automatically close the case. The worker may manually close the case by going to the CAST screen and adding the 882 closure code.
- To close a Foster Care (FCI or FFI) case:
- The closure Reas field in the CPPI screen must have interfaced as “ADP” (Adoption Final).
- Add the G9882 FC CLOSE CHILD ADPOPTED case activity code. This will automatically start the closure process.
- Use this closure code when the IV-D agency has verified that the custodial parent/oblige is deceased and no assigned arrears exist on the case.
- Use this closure code for Intake, Paternity, Establishment, Enforcement, and Collection cases in the CAI, FAI, and NAI program codes.
- This is a hard closure.
- Automated Closure:
- When a deceased date is entered by staff or through automation to the CP Demographic (CPDE) screen, the nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated work lists are generated when a case meets the conditions for the global closure edits.
- The monthly closure program automatically closes the case during the next monthly closure cycle (approximately 30 days later), if the case still passes all of the global closure edits.
- Manual Closure:
- Verify the CP is deceased and no further action can be taken.
- A copy of an obituary and/or a death certificate is a reliable source to verify the date of death for the custodial parent/obligee.
- The Department of Health Services (ADHS) - Vital records as well as the Social Security Administration is another source to verify the date of death to initiate closure.
- Review to see if assigned arrears exist.
- If assigned arrears exist, refer the case to the office attorney for review of any further actions. Follow SNCD (CP Deceased) suspense procedures to apply collections to the assigned arrears balance.
- If there are no assigned arrears, refund any undistributed collections to the NCP, release all administrative liens following DCSS policy, and proceed to close the case.
- Use this closure code to close a case when the IV-D agency has verified that the child is deceased and no other minor children exist on the case.
- Use this closure code for Paternity and Establishment cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI, and FFI program codes.
- This is a hard closure.
- caseworker must manually initiate and complete the case closure process for the case.
- To qualify for this closure, Verify the child’s date of death, update the information on the CHILD DEMOGRAPHIC (CHDE) screen. The caseworker must manually initiate and complete the case closure process for the case.
- For CAI, NAI and FAI cases, notify the custodial parent/obligee of the case closure by sending the CHILD DECEASED CLOSURE NOTICE. This notice must be manually generated from Eloquence and mailed to the custodial parent/obligee.
- For FCI and FFI cases, add the G9884 FC CLOSE CHILD DECEASED activity code to the CAAL screen to close the case.
- Use this closure code to close a case in which the NCP is excluded by genetic testing and the court has determined there is no duty of support.
- Use this closure code for Establishment cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI and FFI program codes.
- This is a hard closure.
- A copy of the court order must be imaged prior to the case closure.
- When the court provides the genetic test results enter the information on the Paternity – Child Case (PACC) screen.
- The caseworker must manually initiate and complete the case closure process for the case.
- For FCI and FFI cases, add the G9885 FC CLOSE NCP EXCLUDED ESTABLISHMENT activity code to the CAAL screen.
- Go to the CAST screen to manually close the case.
- In the Action field, enter "M" to modify.
- <TAB> to the Closure Date/Reas field enter 885 and press <ENTER> to close the case.
- Use this closure code when all of the children have emancipated and a support obligation has not been established.
- Use this closure code for Establishment cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI, and FFI program codes.
- This is a hard closure.
- This is a fully automated code, which means ATLAS will start and finish the closure. At least one Active child must exist on the case and all child(ren) have emancipated. There must be an Emancipation Date on panel 2 of CHDE.
- Automated Closure:
- For CAI, FAI and NAI cases the monthly closure program generates the EMANCIPATION, NO ORDER CLOSURE NOTICE closure notice from Eloquence on Establishment cases where all of the children have emancipated and at least one child is active.
- For FCI and FFI cases the monthly closure program adds the G9886 FC CLOSE EMAN-ESTNO ORDER activity code. This will start the closure timeline for foster care cases, do not generate the closure notice.
- The nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated worklists are generated when a case meets the conditions for the global closure edits.
- After the 60-day timeline has passed and all the global closure edits are met, ATLAS generates activity code M9886 CASE CLOSED/CODE 886 on the Case Activity List (CAAL) screen to indicate that the case has been closed under the administrative closure code 886.
- Manual Closure:
- For CAI, FAI and NAI cases, the worker will generate the EMANCIPATION, NO ORDER CLOSURE NOTICE from Eloquence which triggers closure and starts the 60-day timeline.
- For FCI and FFI cases, the worker will add the G9886 FC CLOSE EMAN-ESTNO ORDER activity code. This will start the 60-day timeline , do not generate the closure notice.
- The nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated worklists are generated when a case meets the conditions for the global closure edits.
- After the 60-day timeline expires and if the case still passes all of the global closure edits, the monthly closure program automatically closes the case.
- Use this closure code when the NCP is excluded by genetic testing and the court determined there is no duty of support.
- Use this closure code for Enforcement and Collection cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI, and FFI program codes.
- This is a hard closure.
- The Type field under Genetic Testing in the PACC screen should indicate "LPR".
- The child support and fee debt needs to be inactivated when it has an unpaid monthly accrual balance. The unpaid monthly accrual must be adjusted by requesting a Debt Adjustment Request NCP (DARN) to remove the unpaid monthly accrual and monthly accrual before having the debts deactivated.
- For FCI and FFI cases, add G9887 FC CLOSE NCP EXCLUDED ENFORCE/COLLECT activity code on CAAL.
- Go to the CAST screen to manually close the case.
- In the Action field, enter "M" to modify.
- <TAB> to the Closure Date/Reas field enter 887 and press <ENTER> to close the case.
- Note: Under NO circumstances are the debt balances ever to be zeroed out. The correct arrears balance must remain on a closed case so that when and if the case is ever reopened there will be an accurate debt history.
- Use this closure code to close a case when the IV-E program provides information that no further action can be taken.
- Use this closure code for Paternity or Establishment cases in the FCI or FFI program codes.
- This is a soft closure.
- The Reason Field on the IV-E line of the CPPI (CP Program Involvement) screen does not contain the following codes:
- Add the activity code G9888 FC CLOSE NO FURTHER ACTION to the CAAL (Case Activity List) screen to start the automatic closure process.
- Use this closure code to close a case in which the DCSS verifies the noncustodial parent (NCP) or alleged father is deceased and no further action is possible.
- Use this closure code for Intake, Paternity, Establishment, Enforcement and Collections cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI, and FFI program codes.
- This is a hard closure with a 60–day timeline.
- Automated Closure
- The Automated Closure process will be initiated in Intake, Paternity, Establishment, Enforcement and Collection cases when the NCP decease date interfaces from Vital Records or SSA.
- When a date is added to the DecDt field on the NCDE (NCP Demographics) screen via interface, the monthly closure program in ATLAS generates the NCP DECEASED CLOSURE NOTICE on all Paternity, Establishment, Enforcement and Collections cases.
- The nightly closure program places these cases in pending closure status. Case activities and associated worklist items generate when the case meets the conditions for the global edits (see Section IV).
- After the 60-day timeline expires and the global edits are satisfied, the monthly closure program automatically closes the case.
- Manual Closure
- Enforcement and Collections cases: Do not enter the deceased date on the NCDE screen manually unless the following conditions have been met.
- NCP death has been verified (see sources below)
- Six (6) months have passed since the NCP deceased date (see the Enforcement Case Closure Checklist)
- All possible collection efforts against the NCP's estate have been exhausted as determined by the AG's office.
- Verify the NCP is deceased using one of these sources:
- A copy of an obituary and/or a death certificate for the NCP;
- The Department of Health Services Vital Records; and
- Social Security Administration
- Review the TAIS (Tax Intercept Status Display) screen to verify any pending IRS or DOR offsets.
- Add an R narrative to the case to suspend any collections.
- If payments come in, consult with the office attorney to determine whether the payments should distribute to the case.
- When assets are discovered or payments come in after the case closes, consult with the office attorney to determine if the case should re-open.
- Update the DecDt field on the first panel of the NCDE screen with the date of the NCPs death. For FCI and FFI cases in the Enforcement or Collection function, add the G9901 FC CLOSE NCP DECEASED activity code to CAAL. . The closure process starts and completes automatically.
- Use this closure code to close a case after the Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) responds via CSENet to another jurisdiction’s request for locate services only.
- Use this closure for Paternity; Establishment; Enforcement; and Collections cases in the CAO, FAO, NAO, FCO, or FFO program codes. The I/R indicator on the CAST screen is set to “R”.
- This is a hard closure.
- Add the 902 closure code to the CAST screen to close the case.
- Use this closure code to close a case when the DCSS verifies the noncustodial parent (NCP) or alleged father (AF):
- Is a citizen of and lives in a foreign country; and
- Does not work for the United States (U.S.) federal governmental or a company with headquarters or offices in the U.S.; and
- Has no reachable domestic assets or income; and
- There is no federal or state treaty or reciprocity with the country; or
- The NCP/AF resides on a tribal reservation and the office attorney determines Arizona has no subject matter jurisdiction (SMJ).
- Use this closure code for cases in the Intake, Paternity, Establishment, Enforcement and Collections functions with the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI and FFI program codes.
- This is a semi-hard closure code with a 60-day timeline.
- When the NCP lives on a tribal reservation, the office attorney determines if the DCSS has SMJ. If the DCSS does not have SMJ, add the activity code O9002 State of AZ Does Not Have Subject Matter Jurisdiction to the CAAL (Case Activity List) screen.
- Note: For cases with the program code FCI and FFI, also add the activity code G9903 FC Close NCP inForeign Jurisdiction.
- Automated Closure
- The monthly closure program generates the NCP IN FOREIGN JURISDICTION CLOSURE NOTICE on all paternity and establishment cases when the County field in the second panel of the NCDE (NCP Demographics) screen:
- Is not equal to USA;
- Is blank;
- Contains a country with which there is no federal or state treaty or reciprocity; or
- The CAAL screen case contains the activity code O9002.
- The nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated worklist items are generated when the case meets the criteria of the global edits (see Section VII).
- After the 60-day timeline expires and the global edits are satisfied, the monthly closure program automatically closes the case.
- Manual Closure
- Generate the NCP IN FOREIGN JURISDICTION CLOSURE NOTICE when it meets the criteria in section A. This action triggers closure and starts the 60-day timeline.
- If both the NCP/AF lives on a tribal reservation, verify with the office attorney the DCSS does not have jurisdiction to move forward with the case closure then add the activity code O9002 before generating the closure notice.
- After the 60-day timeline expires, enter the 903 closure code in the Closure Reason field on CAST to close the case.
- Use this closure code to close a case in which:
- The noncustodial parent (NCP) cannot pay support for the duration of the child’s minority (or after the child has reached the age of majority),and there is no support potential due to verification that:
- The NCP is institutionalized in a psychiatric facility
- The NCP is in long-term care.
- The NCP is incarcerated and their release date is greater than the youngest child’s emancipation date or the NCP was incarcerated after the child reached the age of majority.
- Use this closure code for Intake, Paternity, Establishment, Enforcement, and Collection cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI, and FFI program codes.
- This is a semi-hard closure with a 60-day timeline.
- Determine that no income or assets are available to the NCP that can be levied or attached for support.
- Refer cases with an accruing support order for modification determination prior to closure.
- Refer Maricopa cases to the Modification team for review and modification.
- Balance of State (BOS) and County Partner offices refer cases to the office attorney for review and modification
- When closure is due to NCP incarceration, the Inst Person Id on the fourth panel of the NCDE screen must be updated and the Release Date must be greater than the emancipation date of the youngest child.
- Automated Closure:
- Use automated closure when the NCP is incarcerated.
- When the NCP Institution Release Date on the NCDE screen is greater than the youngest child's emancipation date on the CHDE screen the monthly closure program generates the NCP INSTITUTION/LONG-TERM CARE CLOSURE NOTICE on Paternity and Establishment cases. A 60-day closure timeline is generated.
- After the 60-day timeline expires and the case satisfies the global closure edits, the monthly closure program automatically closes the case.
- Manual Closure:
- Use manual closure when the NCP is institutionalized in a psychiatric facility or placed in long-term care.
- For Enforcement and Collections cases, generate the NCP INSTITUTION/LONG-TERM CARE CLOSURE NOTICE from Eloquence. This will automatically start the 60-day closure timeline.
- After the 60-day timeline ends, enter 904 in the Closure Reason field.
- 906 – GOOD CAUSE
- Use this closure code to close a case in which there has been a finding of Good Cause by the responsible state agency based on physical (G1) or emotional harm (G3).
- Use this closure code for Intake, Paternity, Establishment, Enforcement, and Collection cases in the CAI, FAI, and NAI program codes.
- This is a semi-hard closure.
- When the basis for good cause is G1 (Physical Harm) or G2 (Emotional Harm), generate the G1/G2, GOOD CAUSE, PHYSICAL/EMOTIONAL HARM NOTICE. This notice includes an Affidavit Requesting Good Cause Closure that asks whether the CP wants the case worked or closed. If the Affidavit is not returned within (30) days, the case will be closed under the 906 closure code.
- Once the CP has requested case closure by returning the Affidavit Requesting Good Cause Closure (or did not return it within the 30 timeframe), the case may be closed. From Eloquence, generate the GOOD CAUSE CLOSURE NOTICE.
- Go to the CAST screen and manually add the 906 closure code.
- Type "M" in the Action field.
- <TAB> to the Closure Reason field and enter 906.
- Press <ENTER>.
- Note: Cases where the basis for Good Cause is G3 (Pending / Possible Adoption), G4 (Refugee Eligible for TANF), G5 (Sexual Assault), and G6 (Incest) should be closed with the 923 NOT IN CHILD’S INTEREST closure code.
- Use this closure code when:
- The NAI or FAI applicant requests closure in writing and there is no assignment to the State of medical support or of arrearages which accrued under a support order and arrears assigned to the State are less than $500; or
- The NAI or FAI applicant moves from Arizona and applies for IV-D services in another jurisdiction and there are no state assigned arrears.
- Use this closure code for Intake, Paternity, Establishment, Enforcement, and Collections cases in the FAI or NAI function. The MA (Medical Assistance) indicator on the CAST (Case Status) screen is populated with “N” (Never) or “F” (Former).
- This is a soft closure.
- Automated Closure
- Paternity and Establishment cases are eligible for automated closure when one or more of the following activity codes exists within the past six months:
- M8901 Received App Written Req/Close Case
- M9802 NAI App Requested Case Closure and Arrears > 500
- D0285 Request for Withdrawal of IV-D Services
- Any of the above activity codes trigger the nightly closure program to generate the App Req Closure Notice and place the case into pending closure status.
- The weekly closure program then closes the case.
- Manual Closure
- Upon receipt of the applicant’s written request for closure on an enforcement case, review the debts.
- If assigned arrears are $500.00 or less, generate the APP REQ CLOSURE NOTICE and mail it to the applicant, then close the case under the 908 closure code.
- If there are state assigned arrears greater than $500.00:
- Adjust the debts to the assigned arrears amount only and refer the case to the Settlement Team for a possible settlement program offer.
- If a settlement agreement cannot be reached, take enforcement actions to collect the state assigned arrears. If the noncustodial parent resides in a different jurisdiction, initiate to that jurisdiction to collect them.
- Upon discovering that both parties on an enforcement case are not residing in Arizona, generate the CHANGE IN CASE STATUS NOTIFICATION TO CP notice and send to the applicant. The notice informs the applicant that full enforcement actions are not available and the DCSS recommends that the applicant request services in the state where he/she currently resides.
- The case may be closed only if:
- The applicant withdraws from services; or
- Applies for services in the other jurisdiction.
- If the applicant does not withdraw or apply for services in the other jurisdiction, the DCSS does not have the authority to close the case and is required under federal regulations to keep the case open and take available enforcement actions.
- Upon verification that the applicant requested services from another IV-D agency, review the case for closure.
- The program code must be NAI or FAI and state assigned arrears are $500.00 or less.
- Generate the APP OPENED CASE IN OJ CLOSURE LETTER and mail it to the applicant. It is not necessary to send a withdrawal letter to the applicant in this case scenario.
- Close the case under the 908 closure code.
- Use this closure code to close a case in response to a closure request from the initiating jurisdiction (IJ), indicating:
- The noncustodial parent (NCP) no longer resides in Arizona;
- The IJ no longer needs intergovernmental services from the RJ; or
- The IJ closed its case with Arizona and Arizona can no longer reciprocate.
- Use this closure for Intake, Paternity, Establishment, Enforcement, and Collections cases with these responding program codes: CAO, FAO, NAO, FCO and FFO.
- This is a soft closure; there is no timeline associated with this closure code.
- The I/R indicator on the CAST (Case Status) screen must be “R”.
- Upon receipt of the CSENet transaction MSCPGSC15 INITIAT JURIS NO LNGR NEED SVCS on the INTD (Intergovt Transaction Detail) screen, ATLAS:
- Adds the activity code M9900 INITIATING STATE CLOSED THEIR CASE to the CAAL (Case Activity List) screen.
- Sends the corresponding CSENet transaction MSCPGSC16 RSPND CNFRM CLS PER IJ INSTRCN to the IJ.
- Adds the activity code C0287 IJ RQST CLSR, NO LNGER NEED SVC to the CAAL screen. The addition of this activity code generates the worklist item C0205 RVW INTD, CLOSE RQST TO RJ (responding jurisdiction). The caseworker purges this worklist item by adding the activity code C0387 REVIEWED INTD, CLOSE RQST TO RJ on the CAAL screen.
- Upon receipt of the IJ’s CSENET transaction MSCPGSC17 PER IJ, STOP IWO & CLOSE CASE on the INTD screen, ATLAS:
- Adds the activity code M9900 INITIATING STATE CLOSED THEIR CASE to the CAAL screen.
- Generates a stop IWO, if an active one exists.
- Sends the corresponding CSENet transaction MSCPGSC18 IWO STPPED & CASE CLSD ON REQ to the IJ.
- Adds the activity code C0288 PER IJ, STOP IWO & CLOSE CASE to the CAAL screen. The addition of this activity code generates the worklist item C0206 REVW INTD, IWO STP+CLS RQST TO RJ. The caseworker purges this worklist item by adding the activity code C0387 on the CAAL screen
- If Arizona does not have a CSENet agreement with the IJ, generate the UIFSA CLOSURE NOTICE upon receipt of the IJ request.
- Close the intergovernmental case by placing a “C” in the Status field in the INCM (Intergovernmental Case Main) screen.
- Close the case by entering “909” in the Closure Reason field in CAST screen.
- Use this closure code to close a case when the IJ has not provided information requested by Arizona and that information is necessary for Arizona to take the next appropriate action.
- Use this closure code for Intake, Paternity, Establishment, Enforcement, and Collection cases in the CAO, FAO, NAO, FCO, and FFO program codes.
- This is a soft closure with a 60-day timeline.
- The I/R indicator on the CAST screen must be “R”.
- For cases in the Paternity and Establishment functions:
- Go to Eloquence and generate the IJ NOT RESPONDING CLOSURE NOTICE.
- After the closure notice has been printed, the nightly closure process will place the case with a 910 pending closure code and start the 60-day timeline.
- The system reviews the case and determines if the “IJ Information Request Letter” (D0136) or the “Response to Request for Information Sent to Other State” (C0050) case activity exists on the CAAL screen within the last 183 calendar days.
- When the D0136 or C0050 case activity does not exist, the case remains in a pending closure status and generates the existing M9819 case activity code. The additional text will be included with the M9819 case activity code "Cannot Close-IJ Request for Information Does Not Exist”.
- The monthly closure program evaluates and automatically closes the case.
- Enforcement and Collection cases with active debts and a non-Arizona court order and/or a non-Arizona wage assignment are eligible for closure using the 910 automated closure code.
- After the closure notice has been printed, the nightly closure process will place the case with a 910 pending closure code and start the 60-day timeline.
- When a case contains an active ODO (NCP Debt Case Out of State), FCO (Foster Care Out of State), FFO (Former Foster Care Out of State), and/or CHF (Clearinghouse Fee) debt(s), the system performs a debt adjustment or debt inactivation.
- When the debt contains ‘Y’(es) in the “Accruing” field on the DELN screen, the closure program will adjust the “Monthly Accrual” and “Unpaid Mo Accrual” fields by performing an automated debt balance adjustment. The system will perform the debt adjustment via the on-line DARN screen. Any cases with debt types that have the “Accruing” field set to ‘N’(o) do not require the system to perform an automated debt balance adjustment. The system does not adjust the NCP arrears on the debt.
- When an active debt has an ‘N’ in the “Accruing” field, the monthly closure program inactivates the debt using the on-line DEDR screen.
- The monthly closure program updates the TRLI screen with the affiliated NCP debt transactions.
- The monthly closure program automatically closes the case.
- Exceptions for cases in the Enforcement/Collections function that do not result in automatic closure:
- When the only debt on a case is an IDI (NCP Debt Case in State) debt.
- When there are active ODO or FCO debts with a JXX (Judgment for C/S, Medical Support, etc.) debt obligation type. The M9819 case activity will be generated with the following text: “Judgment Obligation Exists and Requires Manual Review”.
- When an active GTF debt exists, the M9819 case activity will be generated with the additional text: “Genetic Fee Debt Exists and Requires Manual Review”. The worker will review and take the next appropriate action and manually close the case.
- When a case contains an Arizona court order and/or Arizona wage assignment, the case will not be eligible for the automated closure process. The M9819 case activity code will be generated with the following text: “AZ Order Exists and Requires Manual Review”.
- When a responding case contains more than one open intergovernmental case record and the FIPS codes are different, the monthly closure program will not close the case. The system generates the M9819 case activity code with the additional test narrative: “Multiple IJ exists on the Interstate Case Record and Requires Manual Review”. Additionally, the existing No Longer Meets Closure Criteria (M0915) worklist item generates to the caseworker.
- The monthly closure program will perform the following:
- Generate the CONFIRMATION NOTICE OF CASE CLOSURE IJ by adding this notice to the case. When the confirmation notice has been added, the document generation batch process prints the notice. The printed notice will be populated with the IJ address based on the State and County Fips code on the INCM screen. The system generates the notice by evaluating the last update change on the INCM screen. The last update change must have been updated within 10 calendar days from the closure date.
- The intergovernmental status field on the INCM screen will be changed from O(pen) to C(losed).
- Use this closure code to close a case in which paternity cannot be established because genetic testing excludes the alleged father (AF) and no other AF can be identified, or a court has excluded the AF and no other AF can be identified.
- Use this closure code for Paternity cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI, and FFI program codes.
- This is a hard closurewith a 60-day timeline.
- Automated Closure:
- Go to the PACC screen and enter ‘E’ for the DNA result.
- For cases in the CAI, FAI and NAI program codes go to Eloquence and add the AF EXCLUDED CLOSURE NOTICE . This will start the 60-day timeline. Once the timeline has ended, Atlas will automatically close the case.
- For cases in the FCI and FFI program codes, add the G9911 FC CLOSE AF EXCLUDED activity code on the CAAL screen. This will start the 60-day timeline. Once the timeline has ended, Atlas will automatically close the case.
- Manual Closure:
- 60-day timeline has run.
- Go to CAST screen and add the 911 closure code to the Closure Date/Reas field.
- Use this closure code to close a case in which the IV-D agency has lost contact with the NAI or FAI CP and all of the following apply:
- At least one letter has been sent to the CP’s last known address by first class mail within the last 60 calendar days and there has been no response or the correspondence is returned undeliverable.
- The IV-D agency has been unable to contact the CP by phone over the last 30 calendar day period.
- Use this closure code for Intake, Paternity, Establishment, Enforcement, and Collection cases in the FAI and NAI program codes.
- This is a soft closurewith a 60-day timeline.
- The monthly closure program will review for cases in which the residential and mailing addresses on the CPDE screen are blank.
- Once a case is identified, ATLAS will generate the CP INFORMATION REQUEST LETTER which will start a 30-business day timeline.
- The letter will be printed from Eloquence without an address. The Region or County Office will need to review ATLAS for CP's last known residential or mailing address and use this information to mail the notice.
- When the timeline has expired, ATLAS will review the CPDE screen for any address update that may have occurred within the timeline. It will also review the CAAL for any contact from the CP. Below is a list of the case activity codes that will stop the closure process:
- M2126 CP WALK IN
- If there has been no address update or response from CP, ATLAS will generate the LOSS OF CONTACT CLOSURE NOTICE which will start the 60-day timeline.
- After the timeline has expired, ATLAS evaluates the closure criteria a second time and automatically closes the case with the 912 closure code. The worker may also manually close the case by updating the CAST screen.
- Use this closure code to close a case in which the following conditions exist.
- There is no longer a current support order.
- Arrearages are under $500.
- Arrearages are unenforceable under state law.
- The youngest child has not yet emancipated.
- Use this closure code for Enforcement and Collection cases in the CAI, FAI, API, NAI, FMI and NMI program codes.
- This is a soft closure with a 60-day timeline.
- Manual Closure:
- Go to Eloquence and generate the NO LONGER CURR SUPPT ORDR CLSR NOTICE. The nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated worklists are generated when a case meets the conditions for the global closure edits.
- Once the 60-day timeline has expired and if the case still meets the closure criteria, go to the CAST screen and add 913 to the Closure Date/Reas field.
- Use this closure code to close a case in which the child has reached the age of majority (18) and an action to establish paternity is barred by the statute of limitations.
- Use this closure code for Paternity cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI and FFI program codes.
- This is a hard closure with a 60-day timeline.
- Automated Closure:
- On CAI, FAI and NAI cases, the monthly closure program generates the EMANCIPATION, NO PAT CLOSURE NOTICE closure notice via Eloquence on all Paternity cases where all of the children have emancipated and at least one child on the case is active. A 60-day timeline is started.
- The nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated worklists are generated when a case meets the conditions for the global closure edits.
- After the 60-day timeline expires and the case satisfies all the global closure edits, the monthly closure program automatically closes the case.
- Manual Closure:
- On FCI and FFI cases, add the G9916 FC CLOSE EMAN-NO PATERNITY activity code to the CAAL screen. This will start the 60-day timeline. Do not generate a closure notice on foster care cases.
- If the case meets the closure criteria, the nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated worklist items are generated when a case meets the conditions for the global closure edits.
- After the 60-day timeline has expired, go to the CAST screen and manually add the 916 closure code to the Closure Date/Reas field.
- Use this closure code to close a case in which the obligation is terminated, the arrears balance is less than $500, and the youngest child has emancipated.
- Use this closure code for Enforcement and Collection cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI, and FFI program codes.
- This is a hard closure with a 60-day timeline.
- Examples include cases in which the arrears are less than $500 and the last child emancipates or the last child is deceased.
- For CAI, FAI and NAI cases generate the NO ARR/NO OBLIG CLOSURE NOTICE from Eloquence. This will start the 60-day timeline.
- For FCI and FFI cases add the G9921 FC CLOSE NO ARREARS/NO OBLIGATION activity code to CAAL. This will start the 60-day timeline. Do not generate the closure notice.
- The nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated worklist items are generated when the case meets the conditions for the global closure edits.
- After the 60-day timeline has expired, go to the CAST screen.
- Type "M" in the Action field.
- <TAB> to the Closure Reason field and enter 921.
- Press <ENTER>.
- Use this closure code to close a case when the IV-D agency has determined that it would not be in the best interest of the child(ren) to establish Paternity because of Pending/possible Adoption (G3), Refugee Eligible for TANF (G4), Sexual Assault (G5), and Incest (G6).
- Use this closure code for Paternity cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI, and FFI program codes.
- This is a hard closure with a 60-day timeline.
- To use this closure:
- For CAI, FAI and NAI cases, generate the NOT IN CHILD'S INTEREST CLOSURE NOTICE from Eloquence. This will start the 60-day timeline.
- For FCI and FFI cases, add the G9923 FC CLOSE NOT IN CHILD'S INTEREST activity code to CAAL. Do not generate the closure notice on foster care cases.
- The nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated work lists are generated when a case meets the conditions for the global closure edits.
- After the 60-day timeline has expired, go to the CAST screen.
- Type "M" in the Action field.
- <TAB> to the Closure Reason field and enter 923.
- Press <ENTER>.
- Use this closure code to close an Intake, Paternity or Establishment case in which the applicant for services (CP or NCP) has failed to cooperate or has not responded to correspondence, and that cooperation is necessary for the IV-D agency to take the next appropriate action.
- Use this closure code to close an Enforcement or Collection case in which the CP has failed to cooperate or has not responded to correspondence, and that cooperation is necessary for the IV-D agency to take the next enforcement action.
- Use this closure code for Intake, Paternity, Establishment, and Enforcement, and Collection cases in the FAI and NAI program codes.
- This is a soft closure with a 60-day timeline.
- Automated Closure:
- The monthly closure program generates the NON COOP/NEC FOR NEXT ACTION CLOSURE NOTICE closure notice via Eloquence on Paternity and Establishment cases when the applicant was scheduled for an event on the EVSL screen within the last six months and did not show, the event was not rescheduled or cancelled. It will also close a Paternity and Establishment case if the closure reason for TANF in the CPPI screen is NCD (Non-Compliance DCSS) and the NCGC screen has been populated with a date for non-compliance. A 60-day timeline is started.
- When the program code in a Paternity or Establishment case changes from CAI to FAI and the MA Indicator equals “N” or “F”, ATLAS will automatically generate a NOTICE OF CONTINUED CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES on the first Saturday of that month. If the CP does not respond to the notice or contact DCSS within 20 days of it being sent, ATLAS will place the case in pending closure.
- The nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated work lists are generated when a case meets the conditions for the global closure edits.
- After the 60-day timeline has expired and the case still passes all of the global closure edits, the monthly closure program automatically closes the case.
- Manual Closure:
- Go to Eloquence and generate the NON COOP/NEC FOR NEXT ACTION CLOSURE NOTICE. This will start the 60-day timeline.
- If the case meets the closure criteria, the nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated work list items are generated when a case meets the conditions of the global closure edits.
- ATLAS will automatically close cases in the Paternity and Establishment functions after the 60-day timeline has expired.
- Use this closure code to close a case in which the IV-D agency has made diligent attempts over a two (2) year period using multiple sources to locate the NCP, whose full name and Social Security Number (SSN) are verified and valid.
- Use this closure code for Intake, Paternity, Establishment, Enforcement, and Collection cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI, and FFI program codes.
- This is a hard closure with a 60-day timeline.
- To qualify for this closure code:
- The case must be in the locate sub-function for two (2) years,
- The NCDE (NCP Demographics) screen must have a valid SSN with a verification source other than “SNR”, “SNS”, or “blank”,
- The NCP name must not be “unknown”,
- The NCDE residential and/or mailing address fields must not be populated as "homeless" or "general delivery" and
- No payments posted to the case in the last two (2) years.
- Automated Closure:
- ATLAS reviews cases that have been in the sub-locate function for two (2) years to automatically begin the closure process.
- If the case meets the closure criteria as found in the Closure Policy, ATLAS generates the NCP LOCATE UNK, 2YR SUFF INFO CLOSURE NOTICE closure notice and starts the 60-day timeline.
- The nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated worklist items are generated when a case meets the conditions for the global closure edits.
- After the 60-day timeline has expired and the global closure edits are satisfied, the monthly closure program automatically closes the case.
- Manual Closure:
- In Eloquence, generate the NCP LOCATE UNK, 2YR SUFF INFO CLOSURE NOTICE. This starts the 60-day timeline.
- If the case meets the closure criteria, the nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated worklist items are generated when a case meets the conditions for the global closure edits.
- After the 60-day timeline has expired, go to the CAST (Case Status) screen and display the case:
- Type "M" in the Action field.
- <TAB> to the Closure Reason field and enter 934.
- Press <ENTER>.
- Use this closure code to close a case in which the IV-D agency has made diligent attempts over a six (6) month period using multiple sources to locate the NCP, whose full name and Social Security Number (SSN) are not verified and valid.
- Use this closure code for Intake, Paternity, Establishment, Enforcement, and Collection cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI, and FFI program codes.
- This is a semi-hard closure with a 60-day timeline.
- To qualify for this closure code:
- The case must be in the locate sub-function for 6 months,
- The NCDE (NCP Demographics) screen must have a pseudo SSN or a verification source of “SNR”, “SNS”, or “blank”,
- The NCDE residential and/or mailing address fields must not be populated as "homeless" or "general delivery" and
- No payments posted to the case within the last 180 days.
- Automated Closure:
- ATLAS reviews cases that have been in the sub-locate function for six (6) months and contain a pseudo SSN on NCDE, to automatically begin the closure process. Pseudo SSN’s contain the first three digits of 000, 734 to 749, and 777 to 999.
- If the case meets the closure criteria as found in the Closure Policy, ATLAS generates the NCP LOCATE UNK, 6 MONTH INSF INFO CLOSURE NOTICE closure notice and starts the 60-day timeline.
- The nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated worklist items are generated when a case meets the conditions for the global closure edits.
- After the 60-day timeline has expired and the global closure edits are satisfied, the monthly closure program automatically closes the case.
- Manual Closure:
- In Eloquence, generate the NCP LOCATE UNK, 6 MONTH INSF INFO CLOSURE NOTICE. This starts the 60-day timeline.
- If the case meets the closure criteria, the nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated worklists are generated when a case meets the conditions for the global closure edits.
- After the 60-day timeline has expired, go to the CAST (Case Status) screen and display the case:
- Type "M" in the Action Field.
- <TAB> to the Closure Reason field and enter 935.
- Press <ENTER>.
- Use this closure code to close a case in which paternity cannot be established because the identity of the biological father is unknown and the AF cannot be identified after diligent efforts, including at least one telephonic or face-to-face interview with the CP.
- Use this closure code for paternity cases in CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI, and FFI program codes.
- This is a semi-hard closure with a 60-day timeline.
- To qualify for this closure code, the case must be in Paternity Locate (PL) function, the NCDE contains “Unknown” in the Name Field plus pseudo SSN or a verification source of “SNR,” “SNS,” or “blank.”
- Automated Closure:
- ATLAS will review cases in the PL function to automatically begin the closure process. One of the following CAAL codes must exist before the 60-day timeline has expired in order for the case to close (A=CAAL added by entry on EVSL; M=Manually added by CAAL):
- I0002 CP Walk-In TANF and Complied M
- P1002 CP Showed for Workshop A
- P1008 CP Showed for Interview A
- M2126 CP Walk In M
- M2671 CP Showed for Appointment M
- M3910 Interview with CP M
- O2003 CP Showed for Support Stip Conference A
- O2012 CP Showed for Face to Face Interview A
- O1000 Established CP Office Interview M
- O1400 Phone Call to CP for Needed Info M
Note: Pseudo SSN’s contain the first three digits of 000, 734 to 749, and 777-999.
Note: If none of the above case activity codes exist, the “Interview With CP” (M3910) is required.
- If the case meets the closure criteria, ATLAS will generate the PATERNITY ONLY AF INFO UNKNOWN CLOSURE NOTICE closure notice and start the 60-day timeline.
- The nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated work list items are generated when a case meets the conditions for the global closure edits.
- After the timeline has expired and the global closure edits are satisfied, the monthly closure program automatically closes the case.
- Manual Closure:
- For CAI, FAI and NAI cases, generate the PATERNITY ONLY AF INFO UNKNOWN CLOSURE NOTICE from Eloquence. This will start the 60-day timeline.
- For FCI and FFI cases, add the G9936 FC CLOSE AF UNKNOWN activity code to CAAL. This will start the 60-day closure timeline. Do not generate the closure notice.
- If the case meets the closure criteria, the nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status. Case activities and associated work lists are generated when a case meets the conditions for the global closure edits.
- Closure may be started manually on Paternity cases. The system will automatically close the case after the 60-day timeline expires.
- Use this closure code to close a case when the child is eligible for Indian Health Services (IHS) and the IV-D case is open only because of an MAO interface.
- Use this code for cases is in the intake function with a program code of NAI and the MA field contains a “C” on the CAST (Case Status) screen.
- This is a soft closure.
- When an MAO case interfaces, review the following screens:
- The third panel on the CPDE (CP Demographics) and NCDE (NCP Demographics) screens; and
- The second panel of the CHDE (Child Demographics) screen.
- If there is tribal information on any of these screens, the child is eligible for Indian Health Services.
- Print the screen(s) containing the tribal information and image it to the file under the Locate Assets tab.
- Look for an application for IV-D services in OnBase.
- If there is no application
- Add the activity code M9037 IHS ELIGIBLE, NO IV-D APP – CLOSE CASE to the CAAL (Case Activity List) screen; and
- Go to the CAST (Case Status) screen and manually add the 937 HEA ERROR - IHS ELIGIBLE closure code to close the case immediately.
- Note: ATLAS closes cases under the 937 closure code within 30 days of generating the M9037 activity code when the case is not yet closed manually.
- If there is an application for IV-D services, do not close the case.
- Add the activity code M9038 IHS ELIGIBLE, IV-D APPL – TAKE NEXT ACTION; and
- Obtain a completed Subject Matter Jurisdiction (SMJ) checklist from the CP and take it to the office attorney.
- If the attorney finds Arizona has no SMJ, update the CAAL screen with the activity code O9002 STATE OF AZ DOES NOT HAVE SUBJECT MATTER JURISDICTION and start closure procedures under 903 NCP IN FOREIGN JURISDICTION; or
- If the attorney finds Arizona has SMJ, contact the CP to come in and complete any necessary paperwork to move the case forward.
- Use this closure code to close a case in which the NCP has a medically verified total and permanent disability and/or receives SSI, SSI/SSDI concurrent or SSI/SSR concurrent benefits as his/her sole income.
- Use this closure code for Intake, Paternity, Establishment, Enforcement, and Collection cases in the CAI, FAI, NAI, FCI, and FFI program codes.
- This is a hard closure with a 60-day timeline.
- The worker must determine that no income or assets are available to the NCP that can be levied or attached for support.
- Manual Closure:
- Upon verification that the NCP is receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) concurrent or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Retirement (SSR) concurrent benefits, update the CLBD (Client Benefit Detail) screen:
- In the Begin Date field, enter the date the NCP started receiving SSI. If this information is unavailable, enter the date this information was verified. Leave the End Date field blank.
- For SSI only, in the Income Type Field, enter "SSI".
- For SSI/SSDI or SSI/SSR concurrent benefits, in the Income Type Field, enter “SSA”
- This will begin the closure process through automation in Paternity and establishment cases. To start the closure process for Enforcement and Collections cases, staff must generate the NCP SSI OR SSDI/SSI CONCURRENT BENEFITS CLOSURE NOTICE.
- From Eloquence, generate the NCP SSI AND SSI/SSDI CONCURRENT BENEFITS CLOSURE NOTICE. This will automatically start the 60-day closure timeline.
- If the case meets closure criteria, the nightly closure program places the case in pending closure status.
- After the 60-day timeline ends, enter 938 in the Closure Reason field
Return to beginning of Closure Procedures
- Case Preparation for Closure
- Standard
- Reviewing the case to determine if one of the following steps is appropriate prior to case closure code is the third phase in the closure process.
- Procedure
- Transfer a IV-D case to non-IV-D.
- When a IV-D case with an AZ order is being closed and current support is still due, CP owed arrears are being collected, or the child(ren) on the case have not emancipated, a Non IV-D case must be opened to process the payments unless another state's IV-D agency is enforcing the order. If there are no state assigned arrears, the DCSS will not close the case but rather transfer it to the Non IV-D and all debts will be deactivated. The Clerk of the Court in the county where the support order was entered, or where the Non IV-D case is assigned, must be notified to open a new case or reopen an existing case.
- Deactivate the appropriate debts and resolve any disbursement or suspense issues. Verify that no monies are in suspense to resolve any suspense issues.
- Money received/posted to a IV-D case prior to opening the non-IV-D case must be processed to the IV-D case before closure can be completed.
- Money received/posted to a IV-D case after the non-IV-D case has opened must be processed on the non-IV-D case.
- Follow the Standard Work - Case Transfer from the DCSS (IV-D) to the Clerk of the Court (Non-IV-D).
- Stop the Income Withholding Order (IWO)
- Stop the Income Withholding Order (IWO) only if the obligation is terminated and all state assigned arrears are paid.
- Note: Do not stop the Income Withholding Order (IWO) when the custodial person withdraws from IV-D services and the current support obligation has not ended. The Clerk of the Court must open a non-IV-D case.
- An Income Withholding Order (IWO) order can be stopped based on a Stipulated Agreement between the parties or a Request to Stop the Income Withholding Order has been made by either party. The custodial parent, noncustodial parent, the Department or its agent can initiate the request and stipulated agreement to stop the income withholding order. The conditions to stop an income withholding order are:
- All state assigned arrears either have been paid or will be paid within a ninety (90) day period or arrearages have been waived by the custodial parent, and
- The obligation to pay support has ended or will end within ninety (90) days after the date the request is submitted, or
- The applicant has requested closure in writing and the public assistance arrearages are less than $500.00 or unenforceable under State law.
- Upon a determination that the noncustodial parent’s obligation to pay support has ended and that all past due support has been satisfied, issue an administrative Order/Notice to Withhold Income for Child Support to stop the income withholding order.
- Go to the Wage Withholding Detail (WAWD) screen and in the Action field enter “A” to process a stop/adjust/continue income withholding.
- In the Modify OA/IWO field, enter “Y” to indicate that the original income withholding order is being stopped/adjusted.
- In the Status field, enter “STP” to stop the income withholding on the Wage Withholding Detail (WAWD) screen (Panel 1).
- Enter the appropriate employer and date information on the Employer/Wage Withholding (Panel 2).
- On Panel 3 of the Wage Withholding Detail (WAWD) screen, select the appropriate packet to be generated from Document Generation.
- Review the Act Case Detail (ACCD) screen to prevent collection activity performed by a private collection agency through an Advanced Collection Technique (ACT) contract.
- In the Action field, enter “B” to browse for the collection status on case.
- In the Action field, enter “M” to modify the current active status on the case to prevent further collection activity by Advanced Collection Technique (ACT).
- In the Change to Status field, enter “UT” to STOP ACTION FOR ACT.
- In the Change Reason field enter the appropriate code:
- Review the Interstate Case Maintenance (INCM) screen for an intergovernmental case to ensure that the automated communication with a CSENet state involved in the intergovernmental case has been stopped because the case is closed.
- In an initiating case, the responding jurisdiction’s contact information in the Interstate Case Maintenance (INCM) screen must be closed, when the initiating jurisdiction has closed its case.
- Go to the Interstate Case Maintenance (INCM) screen.
- In the Action field, enter “M” to modify.
- <TAB> to the Status field and enter “C” to close the communication with the CSENet state.
- In a responding case, the initiating jurisdiction’s contact information in the Interstate Case Maintenance (INCM) screen can be closed sixty (60) calendar days after the IV-D agency documents failure by the initiating state to take an action which is essential for the next step in providing services, or upon receipt of a closure notice from the initiating jurisdiction, by phone call or letter, because the noncustodial parent/obligor no longer resides in Arizona or the Initiating Jurisdiction has closed its case.
- Go to the Interstate Case Maintenance (INCM) screen.
- In the Action field, enter “M” to modify.
- <TAB> to the Status field and enter “C” to close the communication with the CSENet state.
- Go to Case Activity List (CAAL) screen to narrate the reason for case closure.
- Add activity code M9813 CASE SHOULD BE CLOSED and narrate closure, pending approval of DEDR including the closure code that was used to close the case and other necessary information.
- Review the Request List (RELI) screen to ensure the DEDR request has been approved by the CP Ledger team to proceed with the case closure process. The Debt List NCP (DELN) screen displays the status of a debt, in the “ST” field either as active or inactive status.
- Proceed to final Closure.
- ATLAS generates activity code M9804 60-DAY CLOSURE TIMELINE EXPIRED on the Case Activity List (CAAL) screen which adds worklist item M0905 60D TIMELINE HAS ENDED-CLOSE CASE for the worker to close the case.
- Upon receipt of worklist item M0905 60D TIMELINE HAS ENDED-CLOSE CASE forward the file to supervisor to sign off closure.
- Go to the Case Status (CAST) screen to enter the appropriate closure code.
- In the Action field, enter “M” to modify.
- <TAB> to the Closure Date/Reas field and enter the appropriate closure code to match the closure code in the Pending Date/Reas field.
- Note: ATLAS will not allow a closure code to be entered in the Closure Date/Reas field different from the pending closure code.
- ATLAS adds the appropriate activity code M9XXX CASE CLOSED/CODE 9XX to match the closure code used for closure. activity code M9XXX adds worklist item M0911 CASE CLOSED/SEND HARDFILE TO APPT LOCATN to send the hard file to the file room to be kept for storage. The file will be archived for 3 years and then destroyed.
- <TAB> to the File Location field, enter an asterisk (*) and press <ENTER>.
- Go to the Case Activity List (CAAL) screen to add activity code M9999-CLOSED CASE HARD FILE STORAGE INFORMATION to narrate BOX# LOCATION and CLOSURE QUARTERS. activity code M9999 CLOSED CASE HARD FILE STORAGE INFORMATION purges worklist item M0911 CASE CLOSED/SEND HARDFILE TO APPT LOCATN.
- Additional Follow Up
- The IV-D agency reports all obligors and their child support obligations to the credit bureaus. This reporting is done on a monthly basis through an automated tape exchange process. The E-Oscar must be used to report necessary changes to a consumer credit history prior to the automated tape exchange process to reflect an accurate status. The following are reasons for changes to the consumer’s credit history:
- The IV-D case is closed with no arrears due to the state.
- The IV-D case has been closed because there are no assigned arrears due to the state and the custodial person has waived the unassigned arrears balance.
- The IV-D case has been closed because the customer could not be located for a period of three (3) years and has an outstanding arrears balance.
Return to beginning of Closure Procedures
- Global Closure Edits
- Standard
- All cases are reviewed for the following conditions prior to automated closure. If any of these conditions exist on the case, the automated closure process will be stopped. The following order represents the hierarchy of the edits.
- Procedures
- Pending Litigation: Legal Intake Date on the Case Assignment (CAAS) screen.
- Pending Asset Seizure (enforcement and collections cases only): The NCP Asset Detail (NCAD) screen has an asset status type of:
- ASE Asset Seizure – Administrative Review
- ASL Asset Seizure in Litigation
- ASM Mistaken Identity
- ASP Asset Seizure in Progress
- ASR Asset Seizure Requested
- MAS Manual Asset Seizure
- Money in Suspense: The Payment List by Case (PALC) screen has a payment with a receipt status of:
- FSRD Posted Payment with Future SRD Date
- FUTO Futures Overpayment
- FUTR Future Payment Awaiting Processing
- NSFP Non-Sufficient Funds Payment
- PARF Payment Adjustment Refund
- PARP Payment Adjustment Re-apply
- RDIS Ready to Distribute
- S*** Any Suspense Reject Code
- Money in Disbursement: PALC has a payment record where a check is ready to be issued or a payment was reprocessed via a PAAR request and the disbursement is incomplete.
- Payment Exists Within 6 Months (Enforcement and Collections cases eligible for 910 only): Responding enforcement or collection cases with a payment date on PALC in the last 6 months.
- Note: If a case is manually closed (entering closure reason on the Case Status (CAST) screen), a “pop up” window appears that allows the user to override this edit.
- Payment Exists Within Last 60 Days (all closure codes except 910): Payment on PALC with a date within the last 60 days.
- Note: If a case is manually closed (entering closure reason on CAST), a “pop up” window appears that allows the user to override this edit.
- Active Debt: the Debt Detail NCP (DEDN) screen has a debt status of “A” on one or more debts.
- High Level Governmental Inquiry (HLGI): Case remains open if the following case activity exists:
- B0310 TC-High Level Governmental Inquiry
- B0311 TC-High Level Governmental Inquiry/Caseworker Notified
- B0312 TC-High Level Governmental Inquiry/Action Started
- B0314 AD/DO LTR-High Level Governmental Inqry
- B0315 AD/DO LTR-High Level Governmental Inqry/C/W Notified
- B0316 AD/DO LTR-High Level Governmental Inqry/Action Started
- Case will automatically close if case activities B0313 TC-High Level Inquiry/Action Closed or B0317 AD/DO LTR-High Level Governmental Inqry/Action Closed exist after any of the other identified Governmental Inquiry case activities.
- Note: If a case is manually closed (entering closure reason on CAST), a “pop up” window appears that allows the user to override this edit.
- State Assigned arrears
- Administrative / Judgment Liens
Return to beginning of Closure Procedures
Policy Revision Date: 10/24/22
Policy Review Date: