Record Retention
Procedure 000 v.1
- Prepare Case Records to send to the DES Records Center
- Complete a DES Records Storage Request (J-239) Form
- Receipt of the Processed DES Records Storage Request (J-239) Form
- Standards
- The Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) uses a standard record storage box to send case records to the DES Records Center in accordance with the DES Record Retention Schedule.
- Procedures
- Review the administration’s Record Retention Schedule to verify which case records should be sent to the DES Records Center. Links to each administration’s Record Retention Schedule can be found under Section IV of the Record Retention Policy.
- Use a standard record storage box (12x15x10 inches) that is in good condition to transport the records.
- Do not pack the records tightly; leave a minimum of two inches to permit retrievals and interfiles.
- Do not stack records or folders horizontally on top of vertically filed folders.
- Do not stack computer printouts higher than the handle opening.
- Remove hanging files; file folders may remain.
Return to beginning of Record Retention
- Standards
- Staff complete a Request to Archive (J-239) e-form for each box of records submitted for retention and submit it to the DES Records Center via the Records Center Management System (RCMS).
- Procedures
- Complete a J-239 form for each box of records being submitted for retention.
- Forward the J-239 to the DES Records Center, site code 813Z.
- Assign a temporary box number to each box and place that number on the small side of the box as “Temp. box #1, #2 etc.
- Upon receipt of the J-239 request the DES Records Center will:
- Assign location and destruction dates for each box submitted.
- Send the contact person indicated on the J-239 a plastic envelope with a copy of the processed J-239 for each box received.
Return to beginning of Record Retention
- Standards
- Staff verify the Temporary Box Number designated in the processed DES Records Storage Request (J-239) form matches the number assigned to the record storage box.
- Procedures
- When the processed J-239 is received, verify the assigned temporary box number matches the Temporary Box Number in the plastic envelope returned from the DES Records Center.
- Peel off the large bottom part of the plastic envelope and place it directly on the box under the handle.
- Notify the DES Records Center when the boxes are ready to be picked up.
- Tape all box tops closed with reinforced strapping tape.
- Adhere the plastic envelope to the end of the corresponding box.
- The DES Records Center only picks up those boxes on the vendor’s manifest.
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