Policy Updates
Policy Updates serve as interim Policy guidance on specific Child Support subjects. Policy Updates are archived when the corresponding Policy document is updated or when the Policy Update is no longer relevant.
PPU-03-05-006 SUBJECT: New Activity Codes For Intake/Closure
PPU-03-07-001 SUBJECT: New Activity Codes for the QI Ad-hocs
PPU-03-09-002 SUBJECT: When to place a IV-D Customer on "Correspondence Only"(REISSUE)
PPU-03-10-003 SUBJECT: Hopi Tribe takes over own TANF Program
PPU-03-12-003 SUBJECT: Implementation of legislative changes to IWO Payment On Arrears
PPU-04-02-004 SUBJECT: Clarification on IWOs completed before Debt Set Up
PPU-04-03-002 SUBJECT: Instructions for Requesting Special Disbursement
PPU-04-05-003 SUBJECT: Revoked/Rescinded -The Official DCSS Shred List
PPU-04-07-001 SUBJECT: Bankruptcy Cases
PPU-04-07-010 SUBJECT: Update on the Federal Quarterly Wage Data
PPU-04-10-001 SUBJECT: Closure Code 903
PPU-04-11-001 SUBJECT: Change to the Universal Data Form and Introduction to E-OSCAR
PPU-04-12-005 SUBJECT: Case Transfer from IV-D to Non-IV-D
PPU-04-12-003 SUBJECT: How to Add an Order Registered in Arizona to SUOD
PPU-05-03-005 SUBJECT: New Activity Codes for Driver's License Suspension
PPU-05-04-002 SUBJECT: UIFSA Documents
PPU-05-05-002 SUBJECT: Grant Diversion Cases
PPU-05-06-003 SUBJECT: Expired Checks
PPU-05-07-002 SUBJECT: New System Enhancements To The Paternity Child Case (PACC) Screen
PPU-05-08-001 SUBJECT: Protocol For IV-D Staff To Handle Hayden Issues
PPU-05-10-008 SUBJECT: HAYDEN Refund Notification Letter
PPU-05-12-003 SUBJECT: Intake Timelines for Caretaker Cases
PPU-06-01-001 SUBJECT: Paternity and Establishment Policy and Procedures for IV-E Foster Care
PPU-06-03-006 SUBJECT: Change in UI Benefit Deduction Procedures
PPU-06-04-003 SUBJECT: Update on Tribal TANF Programs
PPU-06-06-001 SUBJECT: Communicating with Represented or Formerly Represented NCPs and CPs
PPU-06-07-007 SUBJECT: Date Signed Field on the PACC Screen
PPU-06-08-001 SUBJECT: Power of Attorney
PPU-06-09-001 SUBJECT: ATLAS Screens and OCSE 157 Fields
PPU-06-10-001 SUBJECT: Changes to Closure for Enforcement and Collection Cases
PPU-07-02-005 SUBJECT: Multiple Foreign Orders for the Same Parties
PPU-07-03-001 SUBJECT: Administrative Review Inconclusive Determinations
PPU-07-04-001 SUBJECT: New AZTECS Screens
PPU-07-05-004 SUBJECT: New B-Code/Worklist Items (Customer Requests Call Back)
PPU-07-06-002 SUBJECT: New SUOD Frequency/Status Codes
PPU-07-08-001 SUBJECT: SUOD Freq/Status Field Code Procedures
PPU-07-09-002 SUBJECT: New Activity Codes for IWO Locate
PPU-07-10-001 SUBJECT: CP/Caretaker Coded “DI” or Receiving SSI
PPU-08-01-003 SUBJECT: CP Withdrawal
PPU-08-02-001 SUBJECT: HLCI/CIF Conversion
PPU-08-03-002 SUBJECT: NCLD and CPLD Screen Field Update
PPU-08-04-002 SUBJECT: Change to the State Assigned Arrears Global Edit
PPU-08-06-002 SUBJECT: Activity Codes for Receipt of Support Orders
PPU-08-07-004 SUBJECT: When to Send Certified Mail
PPU-08-10-001 SUBJECT: Cash Medical Changes to the Distribution Algorithm
PPU-09-05-001 SUBJECT: FAA Case Change Requests
PPU-09-09-002 SUBJECT: SUDE Suppression and Case Closure
PPU-09-10-001 SUBJECT: Changes to the Assignment of Rights
PPU-09-11-002 SUBJECT: Changes to the Administrative Review Policy and the FIDM Process
PPU-10-02-001 SUBJECT: MAO Project Update I
PPU-10-03- 003 SUBJECT: MAO Project Update III
PPU-10-04-003 SUBJECT: Completing the SUOD and DEDN screens for IV-E Foster Care cases
PPU-10-07-002 SUBJECT: Contact from a CP on a Responding Case
PPU-10-08-002 SUBJECT: Referring Cases for Settlement Offers
PPU-10-09-001 SUBJECT: Tribal Court Orders
PPU-10-11-002 SUBJECT: New Paternity Document in Eloquence
PPU-11-01-001 SUBJECT: Military Locate
PPU-11-04-002 SUBJECT: New Activity Code for Program Code Change Requests
PPU-11-05-001 SUBJECT: Cash Medical Allocation
PPU-11-07-001 SUBJECT: FREE Worklist Items
PPU-11-07-003 SUBJECT: How to Reopen Cases
PPU-11-08-002 SUBJECT: Error Cases
PPU-11-09-001 SUBJECT: Case Open Date
PPU-11-12-002 SUBJECT: Locate Summary by Person Screen
PPU-12-02-001 SUBJECT: Cases Under Review for Interest Accrual
PPU-12-03-001 SUBJECT: Changes to the 04A Closure Code
PPU-11-12-002 SUBJECT: Locate Summary by Person Screen (REISSUE)
PPU-12-06-001 SUBJECT: Address Confidentiality Program
PPU-12-10-001 SUBJECT: Address Confidentiality Program
PPU-13-02-001 SUBJECT: Tribal FIPS Codes and Tribal Orders
PPU-13-03-001 SUBJECT: Non-Coop Letter – 14 Day Notice
PPU-13-04-001 SUBJECT: Tribal TANF Cases
PPU-13-05-001 SUBJECT: A Caseworker's Guide to Processing Cases with Israel
PPU-13-07-001 SUBJECT: Emancipation Letter
PPU-16-01-001 SUBJECT: Parties Reside in Another State
PPU-16-02-001 SUBJECT: Employment Administration Referrals
PPU-16-04-001 SUBJECT: Professional and Occupational License Suspension
PPU-16-05-001 SUBJECT: OCSE-157 Report
PPU-16-06-001 SUBJECT: Foreign Currency
PPU-16-07-001 SUBJECT: Establishing Paternity for Intergovernmental Cases
PPU-17-08-001 SUBJECT: Important Changes to Judicial Contempt
PPU-17-09-001 SUBJECT: Document Management
PPU-17-10-001 SUBJECT: Custodial Parent (CP) Provides Evidence of a Name Change
PPU-17-10-002 SUBJECT: Policy Updates to Closure Code 04A
PPU-17-12-001 SUBJECT: Spousal Maintenance/Support Policy and Procedures
PPU-17-12-002 SUBJECT: New Closure Code 937 HEA Error - Indian Health Services (IHS) Eligible
PPU-18-01-002 SUBJECT: Updates to 903 Closure
PPU-18-01-003 SUBJECT: Updates to 904 Closure
PPU-18-01-004 SUBJECT: NEW Closure Code: 938 NCP SSI or SSDI/SSI Concurrent Benefits
PPU-18-01-005 SUBJECT: New and Revised Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) 2008 Forms
PPU-18-02-001 SUBJECT: Updates to the 908 Closure Code
PPU-18-04-001 SUBJECT: DOR Injured Spouse Protection Claim Process and Procedure
PPU-18-06-001 SUBJECT: SLCK System Large Check Held
PPU-18-07-001 SUBJECT: Driver License Suspension or Restriction
PPU-18-09-001 SUBJECT: Updated Modification Policy and Procedures
PPU-18-09-002 SUBJECT: Assignment of Rights and Exemptions from Assignment
PPU-18-10-001 SUBJECT: STIJ (Tax Intercept from Joint Return) Procedures
PPU-19-01-001 SUBJECT: SNSS-Specialized Service Action Pending
PPU-19-02-001 SUBJECT: Correspondence Only Policy and Procedure
PPU-19-03-001 SUBJECT: Tribal Orders and Medical Support
PPU-19-04-001 SUBJECT: Tribal Subject Matter Jurisdiction Policy and Procedures
PPU-19-07-001 SUBJECT: Revised Bankruptcy Policy and Procedures
PPU-20-01-001 SUBJECT: Updated Registration of Foreign Order Checklist
PPU-20-04-001 SUBJECT: Email Communication with Customers Policy and Procedure
PPU-20-07-001 SUBJECT: The Debt Calculation Procedure
PPU-20-08-001 SUBJECT: Child Support Lien
PPU-21-01-001 SUBJECT: Revised Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) Forms
PPU-21-06-001 SUBJECT: Interest on Registered and Modified Foreign Support Orders
PPU-21-07-001 SUBJECT: SROP – Suspense Retro Overpayment Procedure Update
PPU-21-09-001 SUBJECT: Translating Orders in Outgoing International Cases